Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sarkeys Foundation?

Sarkeys is a nonprofit charitable foundation that supports the activities of public charities through direct grants and educational opportunities.

What does Sarkeys Foundation Fund?

Sarkeys Foundation places preference on applicants providing direct services to underserved populations. Sarkeys provides funding only to 501(c)(3) organizations. See the annual report on the home page of our website for a listing of organizations and projects recently funded.

What does Sarkeys Foundation generally not fund?

Sarkeys Foundation does not have hard and fast rules for what we do and do not fund as we understand that most funding requests can be grouped into many categories. A list of programs and agencies outside the range of interest of Sarkeys Foundation can be found under “Grant Guidelines” on our home page. Among others, requests that generally fall outside our range of interest include start-up funding for new organizations, hospitals, vans or other vehicles, government agencies, for-profit organizations, annual fund drives, and individuals.

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

Any 501(c)(3) headquartered in Oklahoma that exists to serve Oklahomans, Sarkeys Foundation asks that you call and speak with a program officer before submitting an LOI to help determine your eligibility.

How do I apply for a grant?

An initial call to our executive director or any program officer at (405) 364-3703 is the first step. This will help determine your eligibility and propel you into the LOI stage of our grant making process if your organization is deemed a good fit. Successful LOI’s will be asked to submit a complete grant application for the trustees to review.

Other than grants, how does Sarkeys Foundation support nonprofits?

We offer educational and training opportunities for professional staff development, board members, and other volunteers. We offer the Southwest Regional Leadership forum in the fall of odd-numbered years.

Other support is provided by:

  • The Sarkeys Meeting Room, available for use free of charge during regular work hours

  • A Resource Library located in the building adjacent to the Conference Center

When are proposals due?

Letter of Inquiry (LOI) deadlines are June 1st and December 1st of each year. Grant deadlines are February 1st and August 1st of each year. Should the deadline fall on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be extended to the following Monday. The online application must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the deadline.

How often may I apply?

An organization may submit one request in a twelve-month period.

What facilities are available?

The Sarkeys Meeting Room is available for larger groups to meet. This room is furnished with audio and visual equipment and can be set up for as many as 150 with theatre-style seating. The room is equipped with a large catering kitchen. Catering is not a service Sarkeys offers, but space is available for a caterer if needed.

All catering is done at the cost of the individual organization. The Sarkeys Meeting Room is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Who can use the Sarkeys meeting facilities?

The Sarkeys Foundation’s facilities are available for nonprofit agencies.

Is there a fee for using the Sarkeys meeting facilities?

There is no fee for using the Sarkeys facilities during regular business hours for nonprofit organizations.